Falcon Chick Complex

Following our line of specific vitamin complexes for raptors we have developed this balanced complement to cover all the needs of rutting, laying, hatchability, growth and development of birds of prey birds.

Falcon Chick complex is a vitamin complex with high vitamin E content specially designed to prepare and stimulate hawks in the breeding stages. The complex also includes vitamins, amino acids and minerals necessary to successfully complete all stages.

To the important actions of vitamin E on reproduction, add the action of vitamin A on fertility and that of vitamin D3 on the regulation of calcium-phosphorus metabolism, essential for the formation of the eggshell and to achieve a optimal development of embryos.

In addition to supplying vitamin E deficiency, it stabilizes the absorption of other vitamins and protects against oxidation of all tissues, especially the liver. It has been scientifically quantified that in quail-fed falcons (Dierenfeld and al. 1989) that the vitamin E supplement improves:
The effects of the livid in adults.

* Increases hatchability of eggs (59% to 83%).
* Increase activity in chicks regarding the demand for food between 4 and 10 hours sooner.

Its lack determines a degeneration of the sperm, a decrease in the sexual instinct, lack of hatchability of the eggs and muscular dystrophy, among other pathologies.

* Stimulates sex hormones, elevates the instinct for reproduction and promotes the formation of sperm and intercourse. * Promotes the laying of more eggs and improves hatchability or hatching success.
* Reduces chick mortality and raises immunity.

Mix with the food at a rate of 0.5 to 1gr per kg of bird weight. It is recommended to take uninterrupted periods of 3 weeks with intervals of 1 week of rest in the breeding months. Its use is recommended about 40-60 days before the laying period and stop giving it when the female has just laid the last egg and begins to incubate them.

The most immediate effects can be seen in groups of healthy birds with a pathogen-free base diet, either properly defrosted or fresh. Intestinal health and flora are key factors in the absorption of nutrients that we recommend evaluating by a specialist and in which the administration of probiotics helps.

Other vitamin complexes for Hawks

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